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The German record champion and six-time UEFA Champions League winner relies on skills.lab's training technology in the development of its own talents at the FC Bayern Campus.
At a glance
Since December 2020, FC Bayern Munich talents have been training daily in the club's own training and assessment system.
FC Bayern Munich AG
FC Bayern Campus, Munich
Training system
skills.lab Arena
Open since
September 2020
One system, numerous applications
Assessment, scouting and individual training - the skills.lab Arena is an integral part of the training concept at FC Bayern Munich. Youth team players benefit from this just as much as the adult players at FC Bayern Campus.
Take a look at the skills.lab Arena at the FC Bayern Campus
"Both in individualization and in the area of performance monitoring, skills.lab contributes to the systematic development of our players."
Hasan Salihamidžić, Board member for Sport
Objective assessment
FC Bayern Munich relies on the measurement technology of the skills.lab Arena to assess the football-specific performance parameters of its players under standardized conditions. Data scientists from the club's own innovation center then analyze and evaluate the collected data.
Data-driven scouting
The collected and evaluated data from the assessments also serves as an ideal basis for scouting new players. Potential new signings of FC Bayern Munich can be objectively compared with the club's own talent.
Targeted individual training
Based on assessment and scouting results, FC Bayern develops individual training programs for its talents. The high repetition frequency in the skills.lab Arena ensures that players can work on their finishing, passing, dribbling and cognitive skills in an efficient and measurable way.
“It offers an additional fun character for our boys based on the idea of ‘better to move yourself than Cristiano Ronaldo on the PlayStation’.”
Jochen Sauer, Director FC Bayern Campus
Recreational fun
The talents at the FC Bayern Campus can also use the skills.lab Arena in their free time. The more than 100 different exercises in five different levels ensure that training fun is also guaranteed in the long term.
Get in contact
Are you interested in the many benefits that a skills.lab Arena can offer to your club or training center? We will be happy to answer your questions.