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FC Ingolstadt 04 & skills.lab

FC Ingolstadt 04 - Image of a football in the skills.lab Arena at FC Ingolstadt
In spring 2019, FC Ingolstadt 04 became the world's first professional club to open its own skills.lab Arena. The "Schanzer" are working on future successes with state-of-the-art training technology.
At a glance
Pioneer in data-driven football training. In the development of its players, FC Ingolstadt 04 relies on the diverse training possibilities of the skills.lab Arena.


FC Ingolstadt 04 Fussball GmbH


Audi Sportpark, Ingolstadt

Training system

skills.lab Arena

Open since

Spring 2019

From the "Jungschanzer" to the professionals

The skills.lab Arena at FC Ingolstadt 04 is the high-tech training system for everyone in black-red-white. FCI youth team and amateur players as well as professionals use the most emotional hexagon in world football to work on their individual football skills.
Take a look at skills.lab Arena of the "Schanzer"

The Ingolstadt way

High-quality technical football is one of the essential cornerstones of the Schanzer training concept. That's why the club relies on the skills.lab Arena, the world's best training system for improving a player's basic technical skills.

Individual and rehabilitation training

Thanks to the many repetitions and the high reproducibility of the exercises, the skills.lab Arena takes the Schanzer's individual and rehabilitation training to a new level. Players improve measurably and can be brought back to their performance level after an injury in a targeted way.

Objective comparison of players

In regular football-specific assessments, the Schanzers collect valuable data on the technical capabilities of their players. This creates an important source of data over the years that enables objective comparisons across all age groups and also enriches the club's scouting activities.
Get in contact
Are you interested in the many benefits that a skills.lab Arena can offer to your club or training center? We will be happy to answer your questions.