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COPA STC & skills.lab

COPA STC - Image from the outside looking at the skills.lab Arena in Walnut Creek, California
Soccer boom in the USA meets high-tech training system from Europe. In California, professionals and young talents train under state-of-the-art conditions. Right in the middle - the skills.lab Arena.
A training revolution
The skills.lab Arena is at the heart of data-driven player development at COPA STC.


COPA Innovation Laboratories


Walnut Creek (San Francisco Bay Area)

Training system

skills.lab Arena

Open since

April 2021

Figurehead in US soccer

The COPA Soccer Training Center offers a unique training environment on more than 10,000 square meters: high-tech training systems, experienced coaches and much more provide the basis for the best possible technical, cognitive and athletic development of all players - from MLS professionals to hopeful young talents.
Take a look into the Arena
"With the skills.lab Arena, we expect to have a truly unique ability to accumulate player data in a way never before accomplished in the world.”
Mark Hall, CEO COPA Innovation Laboratories

Data-driven and goal-oriented

Train, measure and compare: The skills.lab Arena enables the coaches at the COPA STC to track the individual development of all players even more objectively and to control them in a more targeted manner. Fun and excitement in the Arena guaranteed.

Flexible group sizes

From targeted individual training to entertaining small group training: The skills.lab Arena and the coaches at COPA STC host engaging training sessions for groups of different sizes. The measurability of the training performance remains guaranteed.
"The skills.lab Arena will exponentially expand COPA STC’s ability to maximize development and add a whole new layer to player assessment.”
Charlie Campbell, General Manager COPA STC
Get in contact
Are you interested in the many benefits that a skills.lab Arena can offer to your club or training center? We will be happy to answer your questions.