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Assessment & scouting

Assessment and Scouting - Image showing a player during an assessment in the skills.lab Arena
Objectively compare players, scout potential new signings based on your specific needs, or even predict the future capabilities of your squad, with ground-breaking assessments in the skills.lab Arena.

Evaluate technical capabilities

The skills.lab Arena is the first system to objectively collect data on a player’s technical skills as well as technical speed and endurance. Combined with athletic and cognitive assessments, you obtain a truly holistic view of your player’s capabilities.
Benefits of the assessments
Truly understand your player’s individual capabilities to ultimately improve their performance on the pitch.

Objective assessment

Systematically assess your player’s individual technical capabilities.

Standardized routines

Executed in a standardized way for all players but customized to your club’s individual needs.

Transparent comparison

Identical conditions for all players enable direct comparison of your players.

Efficient scouting

Position-specific assessments to find the perfect addition to your squad.

Individual training

The best data foundation to create targeted individual training programs.

Challenging atmosphere

Highly motivated players due to the competitive nature of the assessments.

Feedback for players

Transparent feedback for players on their individual strengths and weaknesses.

Efficient execution

Little organizational effort for players and coaching staff to execute the assessment.

Competitive assessments

With advanced measuring technology as well as highest accuracy and repeatability, the Arena creates the perfect environment to objectively assess your players. Real-time scoring creates a challenging atmosphere in which player’s love to compete with each other.

Assess your team

skills.lab’s general assessments deliver valuable information about the technical capabilities of your entire team. Position-specific assessments extend the assessment scope and allow detailed analysis for every part of your team.

Scientific analysis

Direct comparison of various players, comparisons with the team average, position-specific analysis, and much more: skills.lab delivers a profound scientific analysis of the assessment results and turns it into actionable data for clubs and players.

Enhanced Scouting

Potential new signings can be compared with all current and former players of your team. Integrate position-specific requirements from your coaching staff into the scope of the assessment to find the best possible addition to your squad.
Get in contact
Are you interested in assessing your team in the skills.lab Arena? We are happy to answer your questions and provide an offer tailored to your needs.