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All trainings suspended
at skills.lab

Due to the current restrictions set by the Federal Government, all trainings and camps at skills.lab are temporarily suspended. Therefore, we had to cancel all booked trainings. Please follow our social media channels and website for further information about when the trainings and camps will resume. In the meantime: Stay home and stay safe! Your skills.lab team
  • Partner
  • Talent Development
Cooperation with Students Go West
First international skills.lab Summit
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Kooperation mit Students Go West
skills.lab is a new cooperation partner of Students Go West (SGW), Austria's leading contact for sports scholarships at universities in the US.

skills.lab X Students Go West

As a partner for objective player assessments, skills.lab will in the future support the Students Go West team around Fabio Rumpler and Luca Puster in enabling young soccer players to make the leap to a US college by means of a sports scholarship.


In the future, Students Go West’s perspective players will complete assessments in the form of a “Skills Check” in the skills.lab arena in order to be able to objectively analyze their technical capabilities. This individual analysis will provide coaches at U.S. colleges, who often find it difficult to assess the level of performance in Austria due to a lack of objective comparative data, with a valuable data basis for deciding whether or not to sign a player. With Students Go West, skills.lab has found an ideal partner to come an important step closer to its goal of establishing assessments in the skills.lab arena as the standard for objective player analysis.

Revolution in college recruitment